Wednesday 24 February 2010

Hatless Students- Unite!

Glasgow University students: do you often feel as though you are vulnerable to the electromagnetic radiation that is whizzing around us all, day in and day out? Have you been shunned by society at large and been made to feel as though you're crazy because of your rightly-held beliefs on the proliferation of tin-foil hats and related paraphernalia?

Rest assured, comrade! You are not alone. Your fight against mind control and invisible laser beams from the sky will no longer be in vain. There have been growing seeds of discontent on campus at large vis a vie anti-electromagnetic radiation headgear, and the masses have finally joined forces to create the GLASGOW UNIVERSITY TINFOIL HAT BRIGADE.

As a Brigade, we will provide members with advice in constructing Tin-foil Hats, assistance with the purchase of necessary materials and provide a safe, Faraday-caged environment for those people who feel shunned by society as a result of their beliefs in the need for the Hat. We will work tirelessly and will fight endlessly to:

* Promote awareness of all forms of mind-control that rains down from the sky upon the unsuspecting heads of the masses, and make an effort to convert as many of the affected to our cause as possible.

* Wage campaigns against invisible government lasers that seek to control every aspect of our lives.

* Book rooms on campus for our activities and those of our affiliates.

* Sponsor and promote the research and development of better forms of head-worn anti-electromagnetic radiation devices.

* Anything else that the Brigade and its Leadership feel necessary to do in service of the Hat.

Join our fight! Sign up now! Send your name, matric number and hat preference to

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